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“Field hockey is a team sport that is mainly played outdoors, on an artificial pitch. »

Field hockey is a team sport where the objective is to score goals by hitting a ball into the opponent's goal circle using a stick. Each team comprises 11 players, including a goalkeeper. Matches take place on a rectangular grass field marked with lines delineating the playing zones, with two goal circles positioned at each end of the field. Players wear protective gear, including hockey sticks, cleats, shin guards, gloves, and jerseys. Goalkeepers have additional protective equipment such as a wider stick and goalkeeper gear. Teams compete to control the ball and maneuver it towards the opponent's goal using dribbling, passing, and shooting techniques. The game is governed by rules, with penalties for fouls, obstruction, and excessive contact. Field hockey enjoys popularity worldwide, particularly in countries such as the Netherlands, India, Australia, and Germany. It is also an Olympic sport, contributing to its global recognition. Field hockey combines technical skill, speed, and team strategy, making it an exhilarating sport to both watch and participate in. In Switzerland, the development of field hockey is influenced by factors like the availability of sports facilities, government support, and local interest. Swiss clubs actively participate in national leagues and may also engage in international tournaments and competitions. While field hockey may be more prominent in other nations, Switzerland maintains an active scene for the sport. Participation in international competitions can further enhance the visibility and appeal of field hockey in Switzerland.

Hockey in action

Hockey in action

FRANCAIS: Le tournoi a rassemblé des équipes de différents clubs locaux, créant une atmosphère vibrante empreinte de camaraderie et d'esprit sportif. En tant que futures étoiles du hockey sur gazon, ces jeunes joueurs ont fait preuve de détermination, d'esprit d'équipe et de dévouement envers ce sport, inspirant tous ceux présents. Tout au long de la journée, les fans et les supporters ont pu assister à des démonstrations captivantes de compétences, de jeu stratégique et de moments d'excitation pure. Les acclamations passionnées de la foule ont ajouté une énergie électrique aux matchs déjà intenses, créant une atmosphère inoubliable pour les joueurs et les spectateurs. Que vous soyez un passionné de hockey sur gazon, un parent fier ou simplement curieux de ce sport captivant, ce tournoi junior d'une journée au Stade Lausanne à Vidy, à Lausanne, était un événement à ne pas manquer. Venez admirer la prochaine génération d'étoiles du hockey sur gazon en action et rejoignez-nous pour célébrer leurs compétences remarquables et leur passion pour le jeu. Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne, aimez cette vidéo et restez à l'écoute pour plus d'événements passionnants et de moments forts du hockey sur gazon. Ne manquez pas les moments incroyables et le brillant avenir du hockey sur gazon qui se sont déroulés lors du tournoi junior d'une journée au Stade Lausanne en juin 2023 ! ENGLISH: The tournament brought together teams from various local clubs, creating a vibrant atmosphere filled with camaraderie and sportsmanship. As the future stars of field hockey, these young players displayed their determination, teamwork, and dedication to the sport, inspiring everyone in attendance. Throughout the day, fans and supporters were treated to thrilling displays of skill, strategic gameplay, and moments of pure excitement. The passionate cheers from the crowd added an electric energy to the already intense matches, creating an unforgettable atmosphere for both players and spectators. Whether you're a field hockey enthusiast, a proud parent, or simply curious about this captivating sport, this one-day junior tournament at Stade Lausanne in Vidy, Lausanne, was a must-see event. Witness the next generation of field hockey stars in action and join us in celebrating their remarkable skills and passion for the game. Subscribe to our channel, like this video, and stay tuned for more exciting field hockey events and highlights. Don't miss out on the incredible moments and the bright future of field hockey that unfolded at the Stade Lausanne one-day junior tournament in June 2023!

Stade Lausanne field hockey, Allée du Bornan, 1007 Vidy-Lausanne, Switzerland

©2020 Lausanne Field Hockey Stadium

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