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100ème: Bienvenue


tasting and subscription of the wine of the 100th

Saturday February 12 will be the occasion to taste the wines honoring the 100th anniversary of the club. 
The event will be held at the Caveau des vignerons de Riex (Route de la Corniche 9 Bis, 1097 Riex), and will be an opportunity to order bottles with the anniversary label and glasses with the new Stade Lausanne logo.

100ème: À propos de nous


For the occasion, a book of more than 100 pages will be published retracing the life of our club with many photos and anecdotes. Publication fall 2022.

100ème: À propos de nous


To celebrate Stade-Lausanne entering its 100th year of existence, your club is happy to invite you to dinner in the exceptional setting of Château Rochefort in Allaman.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday May 13, 2022 to taste the dishes prepared by chef Yves Bovy

You are expected at the estate at 7:30 p.m. to enjoy the aperitif.

100ème: À propos de nous

Stade Lausanne field hockey, Allée du Bornan, 1007 Vidy-Lausanne, Switzerland

©2020 Lausanne Field Hockey Stadium

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